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2008 and onward..
I am looking to boost interest in field days, vhf and hf
We need more interested people regardless of experience.
Almost anyone who is interested can join in, regardless of any club, or radio knowledge, a pulse and at least one brain cell would be an advantage
VHF/UHF field day is the same weekend every year, the first (whole) weekend of July
Operators for a contest need to be in a club affiliated to the RSGB or actually be an RSGB member.
But its not neccessary if you want to check log, assist in the running, putting up or taking down or just generally socialise (bring beer)
We have a good clean flat site, a good friendly bunch of idiots (Hams, CBers, etc. and even some women).

I currently have all the necessary generators, safety trips and wiring to supply a small village on site, so electricity is not a problem.

the site entrance can be a bit cautious, take care, shut the gate

a view of the empty site, with one of my relatives in the pic.
All set up with a view of the take-off to the south (very picture-sque..)
Operators tent in the forground, restaurant tent to the rear

Matts setup
How the 'Other Half Live'

Cafe and Kazi
Bristol Airport, just left of centre on the horizon
This is 'Roughing it'
Any questions, please contact: